Sunday, May 24, 2009

4 + miles

I wanted to make sure my back tire had enough air and I let the air out instead. Wow! I don't even know how to put air in a bicycle tire. Maybe I need to go to a bicycle workshop.
I don't think the guage works on the bicycle pump. I was going to return the pump to Walmart, but I couldn't find the recipt. I guess I could take it back anyway, but I don't want to do it today. It actually filled up the tire well enough. It was just aggravating to me to have to guess by feeling the tire. I finally underfilled the tire by my guess, then went for my ride. It's a good alternative to running and I haven't ridden in a while.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rode the bike today...

It's been several weeks since I rode the bike. The weather has been terrible, with rain and heat and humidity. Today we got a break with cooler temperatures although it is still very humid.

I ran my first 3 miles today and wanted to make it a perfect day so I took the bike out for a spin. I didn't ride very far, just far enough to be able to say "I rode the bike today".