Saturday, August 22, 2009

45 minute ride today.

I neglect my bicycle.
I bought a GEL seat so was motivated to ride for 45 minutes today. The temperatures are finally beginning to be more reasonable. I see 60's in the forcast which I will ride more often.

Monday, July 27, 2009

20 minute ride

I rode around my neighborhood for 20 minutes. There are some nice little hills.
Heart rate was at 90BPM. I'm going to purchase a gel seat cover before I extend my riding time.
I think I'll run a mile before I lift weights.

Finally, more time for my bicycle

I have a very minor running injury. Beginning today I'll be riding the bike either instead of running or in addition to running. If I only run a mile I will ride the bike and I will be lifting free weights.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Two Mile Bike Ride

Added a ride to my running today.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally, I rode my bike 17 minutes

Rode approximately three miles on my bike today. There was one hill I didn't think I was going to make it up, but I did and it showed me I need to practice at using the different gears.
I've been feeling guilty about neglecting this portion of my training plans.
I've decided to train for speed not distance in my running program so I will add more cross training.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

4 + miles

I wanted to make sure my back tire had enough air and I let the air out instead. Wow! I don't even know how to put air in a bicycle tire. Maybe I need to go to a bicycle workshop.
I don't think the guage works on the bicycle pump. I was going to return the pump to Walmart, but I couldn't find the recipt. I guess I could take it back anyway, but I don't want to do it today. It actually filled up the tire well enough. It was just aggravating to me to have to guess by feeling the tire. I finally underfilled the tire by my guess, then went for my ride. It's a good alternative to running and I haven't ridden in a while.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rode the bike today...

It's been several weeks since I rode the bike. The weather has been terrible, with rain and heat and humidity. Today we got a break with cooler temperatures although it is still very humid.

I ran my first 3 miles today and wanted to make it a perfect day so I took the bike out for a spin. I didn't ride very far, just far enough to be able to say "I rode the bike today".